Friday, June 20, 2008

A simply delightful night.

In 8th grade, I had a huge crush on a boy named Tim. Tim was my Jake Ryan. We had our last dance coming up at school and I wanted to get all fancied-out so that there would even be glimmer of hope that Tim (siiiiigh) would ask me to dance. My aunt came over and did my hair and my nails, painted cherry red. I wore a crushed velvet dress (which, by the way, was very hot in 1996) and I thought I was lookin gooood. I walked into that cafeteria turned 'Starry Night' dance floor with confidence until I saw Tim and melted. I stood next to my girlfriends, smiling and staring at first. After about an hour and a half of trying to 'look sexy' dancing to LL Cool J's 'Hey Lover' and Coolio's 'Gansta's Paradise', holding back adolescent tears to Boys II Men, and rocking out to the Macarena, Hootie and the Blowfish, and Green Day - it finally happened...Mariah Carey's 'Always be my baby' had just started playing and right then, Tim walked up to me and asked me to dance. I didn't know if I was going to be able to breathe. I sucked in, smiled, and let myself get swept away in his Michael Jordan Cologne while we held eachother akwardly. I knew we were graduating middle school and going to different high schools, so this was goodbye..but I was still glowing when I went to bed that night, and I woke up smiling the next morning. It was ok that we weren't going to see eachother again because he danced with me.


That is my 8th grade overly dramatic (in true Veronica fashion) comparison of how last night felt.

Andy was the first to call in, shortly followed by Maria, and Marc. Andy and Marc domineered the conversation, but in a very endearing and relaxing way. Maria was just how she seems - funny, sweet, a little shy, but willing to add on to anything. At one point, I asked a question about buying jokes, and I was about a word short of finishing the question when I was blatently was a little off-putting until I realized that I was an idiot and I had accidentally hit my mute button a few minutes earlier and that they hadn't heard me. I'm really special sometimes. Marc was probably the most opininated, he had some good points, and it was nice to sit back and listen. Andy actually suprised me with his suppression on certain topics that I assumed would be his 'hot buttons'. Everyone took turns and it was truley enjoyable. I laughed a little at the mental picture of if Maria were to confront a comic hacking a bit of hers. All in all, it felt like it flew was literally over before any of us were ready for it to be. I got off the phone gratified, with a little glow, and woke up this morning with a 'Tim danced with me last night' smile on my face. I can't wait for the next show.



Badinia said...

Hooray! See you Saturday!

Jerry said...

Actually, Jake Ryan isn't that great of a guy. Didn't you see the Family Guy where Peter and Jake kiss over the cake and Jake proceeds to rape him?

Seriously though, congrats, I'm glad it went well. Oh, take your finger off the mute button dipshit.