Sunday, April 10, 2011

Reasons why I can't clean my apartment today

This is my go-to Top 10 list for not cleaning the apartment. It almost works most of the time with my husband.

1. It's raining 

2. There's a ghost in our apartment

3. I'm a little hungover

4. Hey - look at that dog over there 

5. Our bed is too comfortable and is literally holding me hostage 

6. We don't have any neighbor kids that I can pay to help me

7. My arm hurts

8. I'm learning origami online

9. We have too many movie channels

10. My glasses might fall off

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Act like nothing happened, and maybe no one will notice you left.

Writers block sucks.

I feel like my brain has been constipated for soooo long. I realized that I can be sad about it, and avoid it... OR ....I can start tweeting, blogging, and violating the internet everywhere I can with writing and maybe it'll start unclogging my brain. Here's hoping. : /
