Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 7th of July!

Hey kiddo's...sorry I haven't written. They don't have computers on the wagon. Ok...they do, but I just wanted to say that.

I hope you all had a fabulous time on the 4th. I spent it watching people get drunk (with jealousy oozing out of me) at comedy shows and bars, then I watched movies and ate carrots. It was nice (in a barnyard-animal-watches movies sorta way).


This morning was hard to get up...after a long beautiful, glorious, wonderful, amazingly nice 3 day weekend...I woke up in a 'go to me before noon, I dare you...I'll bitch slap you with my words so fast you'll be crying like a baby who just got bit by a llama at a petting zoo' kinda mood and I could've done so thanks to freedom of speech.

Happy Independence Days.


Oh, and I hope none of you over the age of 10 were stupid enough to blow your fingers off...but knowing the people I know...I'm sure some of you did. Get well soon.


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