Thursday, July 3, 2008

Healthy Shmealthy


Alright, so after all of the festivities of my 2 week birthday extravaganza, my body was screaming for a break. I'm on day 3 of no alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, or fried and processed foods. I was feeling great until a few hours ago.

I have a headache. I want a cigarette. I would really love a drink after work. No caffeine and no crap food, I can handle...but no cigarettes and no drinking on a night that I don't have to work tomorrow sucks.

Not to mention, my "gift" is right around the combine all of these things together...and I've been a snappy emotional delight.


Now, I'm not saying that I'm giving all of this stuff up forever, but I'd like to majorly change some of my unhealthy habits.

Maybe I'll just have a glass of wine....why can't my favorite bar sell organic wine? At least I wouldn't feel so guilty.

I'm reading a book called Skinny Bitch (Auth- Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin, Pub - Running Press), and although the book basically preaches a vegan lifestyle, there are allot of really helpful hints and eye-opening facts about the shit that we put into our bodies.


I'm trying very hard to stay away from the worst crap (diet sodas, fast food, etc) but I can't sit here and say I'm never going to eat meat or enjoy a vodka cranberry again.

Well...I guess I'll go for a walk now. Please wish me luck on being moderately good this weekend!!

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